
i  had the power
the magic power to save one from falling

i had it  because he believed

i said i would never let him down

once he stopped believing
i lost the capability

i tried to believe it was my gift
as it is said that catch the balloon upon seeing it
yet it just died away with his belief
too strong were his wings
though they led him downwardly

he decided not to resist

it seemed that he hardly realized he is not the only one who can get a gash

"wrap me up...warm me up..." the singer sings
when he felt cold she could always wrap and warm him up
now she needs one to tuck her in

she was dying
she lost her faith

her faith lied not in love, but in him

raining nights/ soaking wet/ 24hr bookstore/ wooden floor/ entwined fingers/ sleep and dream/ sunshiny morning/ desert streets/ first customers at the fastfood place

she is leaving
she is leaving with these memories

be safe



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