上星期的New York Times有篇新聞寫Couch Surfing

Travelers Now Surf the World Wide Couch



譯者  康鈴

  Neil Medel’s Manhattan apartment is certainly homey, but it is by no means spacious. Just 2 meters by 3 meters with one window, it is a living room in miniature. Mr. Medel, who is 33 and works for an importing company, sleeps on a loft platform that he shares with 40 pairs of blue jeans that rise in untidy stacks, and blue plastic tubs stuffed with other belongings.


Nonetheless, the Philippine-born Mr. Medel is an eager and generous host at least three days out of seven to like-minded visitors from Los Angeles, Texas, Sweden, Germany and points beyond. Mr. Medel is a couch surfer, as are his guests; he and they find one another through the Couch Surfing Project, at, a three-year-old global community built on a MySpace/Facebook model of personal profiles connected through a network of “friends.” According to statistics on the site, it has well over 300,000 members from more than 31,000 towns and cities around the world.


The group’s philosophy is also its method, which might be summed up this way: I will offer you my couch free, along with the company of my friends and a tour of my favorite spots in my city. In return, you will give of yourself, and not just slink into my home at 3 a.m. after you’ve done your own tour of my city. In this way, we will be friends, if only for a day or two.


Or, as its mission statement proclaims: “Participate in creating a better world, one couch at a time.”


Couch surfing takes an ancient notion of hospitality and tucks it into a thoroughly modern paradigm, the social networking Web site. But, as its members say sternly, it is not a site for dating, or for freeloaders.


“It’s a lifestyle and a commitment,” Mr. Medel said.


Inevitably, there have been couch surfing romances, marriages and even babies. Sherry Huckabee, 41, a couch surfer from Charlotte, North Carolina, is now living in Romania since falling in love with her host, Hans Hedrich, last summer, ending a two-year surf of Europe. Now Ms. Huckabee and Mr. Hedrich, 36, are hosts to 20 young surfers at a time: Mr. Hedrich, Ms. Huckabee said proudly, has an open-couch policy.


In an age of cheap airfares and porous borders, where nearly every corner of the earth, from Bulgaria to Bhutan, is open for tourism, the home is the final frontier, the last authentic experience. Instead of being in some sanitized hotel in Hanoi, said Erik Torkells, editor of Budget Travel magazine, “if I couch surf I could be on some cool ex-pat’s or local’s sofa.” He added: “I’ve already leap-frogged barriers. It would take weeks under ordinary circumstances to get in someone’s home.”

  在這個機票便宜、出國不再困難的時代,地球上幾乎每個角落,從保加利亞到不丹,都在推動旅遊業,家便成了最後一個還沒開發的地區,飽含當地真實的生活經驗。旅遊雜誌Budget Travel的編輯艾瑞克‧托可斯說:「如果我選擇沙發旅遊,我可能會躺在某個移居國外者或當地人的沙發上,而非河內的某間消毒過的旅館中。」他又說:「我已經跨過障礙,往前邁了一大步,在平常的狀況下通常得花好幾週的時間才能進入其他人的家。」

Then Mr. Torkells, 38, asked plaintively: “This is for the young, right? I don’t even want to sleep on my sister’s couch.”


Just before noon one day in mid-September, Marisol Montoya, a 25-year-old filmmaker from Los Angeles, was rolling up her red silk pajamas and tucking them next to the red fuzzy slippers in her suitcase. She had spent two nights on Mr. Medel’s tiny couch, which was no trial, she said, because she had been dancing hard most nights and liked to elevate her feet by hanging them over the arms.


Mr. Medel was her second host; she had arranged for three different couches, she said, because she wanted to see three different New York neighborhoods. “It’s like a cultural study,” she said.


Like Servas, the so-called hospitality network that has promoted peace through home stays since World War II, the Couch Surfing Project aims “to bring people together and create intercultural understanding,” said Daniel Hoffer, one of its founders.


Or, as Mark Credland, an electrical engineer living in Toronto whose job requires extensive travel in the United States, explained: “I used to try to meet people in bars and would always end up getting stuck talking to the drunk in the corner.” Couch surfing yields better conversations, he said.


Mr. Hoffer, 29, started his first dot-com when he was 15 and now develops new business for Symantec, the software security company. His main couch surfing co-founder, Casey Larkin Fenton, 29, is also a dot-com veteran. Couch surfing was Mr. Fenton’s idea.


“I knew it was how I wanted to travel,” Mr. Fenton said. “But I didn’t know if other people would. I thought, I’ll take a chance and see if there are other people like me. And, wow, do they exist.”


A state of near ceaseless traveling puts the couch surfer in a transnational zone, an idea dear to Pico Iyer, the British-born author of Indian parents who has been writing about home and nomadism for 25 years. “Home for folks like the couch surfers has less and less to do with a piece of soil and more to do with the friends and values they carry,” Mr. Iyer said. “I think the beauty of the present century is that more and more folks are defining their home inwardly.”


Mark Ellingham, the founder of the Rough Guide travel guides, noted, too, that what couch surfing seems to diminish is the idea of the foreign country as a commodity to be sampled and purchased.

  旅遊指南Rough Guide的創辦者馬克‧艾靈翰也注意到,沙發旅人似乎不再視異國為可體驗及可購買的商品。

“It sounds more empathetic than the old hippie-backpacker thing of seeing what you can get out of a place and moving on,” he said. “It reminds me of when everyone was hitchhiking, a practice that stopped in the 1990s either because of fear or a new affluence, or both. Hitchhikers were very committed, too. It’s a new idea but an old ethos.”


Jim Stone, 30, has been surfing nonstop for three and a half years. He was the 99th person to join the Couch Surfing Project. He had been working in the tax appraiser’s office in Denton, Texas, he said, “and I was alarmed that two years went by so quickly and I hadn’t done anything significant.”


Mr. Stone’s traveling companions are a red blow-up couch, a Winnie the Pooh costume he likes to hitchhike in, two pairs of stretch leopard pants, and dress-work clothes pressed and stored in a Ziploc bag in his pack.


He worked odd jobs around the globe for the last four years to finance his travels. Since July, however, he has been working full-time for the Couch Surfing Project, as one of its three paid employees, operating from his laptop, wherever he may be. Does that mean he is settling down?


“I like this traveling road show of my friends,” he said, describing what are known in couch surfing circles as collectives, in which 100 or so volunteers, mostly experts in programming, surf a city for a few months while tinkering with the Web site. A collective for Thailand is planned for next year. “My mom is real happy,” he did admit, “especially now that I have a real job.”



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