
今天早上又被便意叫醒。早餐突然很想吃鬆餅,所以跑去Mango餐廳點了早餐特餐,35 pesos包兩塊鬆餅(旁邊還加了非常好吃新鮮的木瓜)、咖啡、柳橙汁。

This morning I was awakened by my soon-to-be-flushed baby again. Suddenly I had a craving for pancake, so I ordered the special desayuno at Mango restaurant, 35 pesos for two pancakes (with fresh and delicious papaya on the side), coffee, and orange juice.


Dustin ordered an egg meal with green tomato sauce (forgot the name of this dish). The sauce was great, but his hangover was too strong to enjoy the strong flavor.


I ate very slowly, enjoying my food and reading Nation. Dustin didn't finish (and let me finish it for him) and went to use the internet (and experienced the shart incident and had to rush back to the hostal...).

*shart = shit + fart

  You feel like farting and you fart and realize it's not just fart...


看看Nation我又寫寫明信片,等到過午才離開。四處逛逛,附近有間很酷的店叫Bazzar Babylon,到了晚上常有音樂表演,牆上掛滿各種面具。

I wrote some postcards too and didn't leave the spot until after noon. Then I strolled around, found a cool restaurant/ bar called Bazaar Babylon, where there's music shows in the evening and lots of masks on the walls.


The ceiling.


I wanted to buy a mask as souvenir before leaving Mexico, but they were all too expensive...



I spent the whole afternoon reading Nation in the hammock in the yard, eavesdropping two guys speaking weird French, but couldn't understand them but some fragmented phrases and words...

後來Dustin回來以後我們跑去海邊游泳,我老是擔心隱形眼鏡掉進水裡又擔心耳朵進水發炎,所以不敢游向遠處。雖然自我們到Puerto Escondido以後,海浪一天比一天小一點,但白天看起來也沒有比晚上不嚇人一點。

When Dustin came back, we went to swim in the ocean. I was worried that my contact lenses might have fallen out or that my ears would be inflammed if the water went in, so I dared not swim further. Although the waves got smaller and smaller each day after we got to Puerto Escondido, they looked as scary as they were at night.


Then we walked towards the beach beyond the northest point. There were more people swimming and surfing, but the waves were unpredictable, sometimes big and sometimes small; our stuff was almost hit by a super big wave, so we gave up soon.



晚上我們去逛街,越來越多臨時搭建的商家出現,因為明天星期一也就是Saint Week的第一天,Dustin白天散步時看到一個正在搭建的taco攤位,很想嘗試。

After that we went window-shopping. More and more temprary stores were built because tomorrow Monday was also the first day of Semana Santa. Dustin saw a taco shop that was being built during the day and wanted to try their tacos.

我在Bazaar Babylon外看到一個賣手工手鍊腳鍊攤位,老闆娘很高䠷,頂著一頭綁起來的蓬蓬長捲髮,我買了兩條細腳鍊(可以當手鍊啦但我的目的是綁在腳踝上),老闆娘立刻幫我綁了一條在腳上,她綁之前叫我許個願。這東西好像我們國中高中流行的幸運帶。

I saw a stand selling bracelets, necklaces, earrings and stuff outside Bazaar Babylon. The owner is a very tall and slim woman, with her disorderly curly long hair tied up. I bought two anklelets (they are actually bracelets but I wanted it on my ankle). The woman tied it on my ankle and asked me to make a wish before that. Because of the conversations we had had, I wished I could see/ feel/ experience true love before long. This is like the lucky bracelets we used to have in junior high and senior high.


後來又逛到一間很精緻的女裝店,我看上一件黑白紋路的薄沙罩衫,但要價280 pesos讓我猶豫不決,Dustin說如果能砍到200 pesos他就覺得還可以,所以我跑去跟老闆娘講價,不過老闆娘氣質翩翩地回說她的東西都不二價。我只好惆悵離去,Dustin就說如果我能在這段時間內省下80 pesos就能買那件衣服,我聽聽覺得很有道理所以當晚開始執行。

Then I saw a black and white pattern thin piece of overall at a boutique shop, but it cost 280 pesos, so I hesitated. Dustin said he'd take it if it was 200 pesos, so I tried bargaining with the owner. But she gracefully said everything in her store had a fixed price. So I had to leave in my melancholy. Dustin said if I could save 80 pesos, I could buy that piece of cloth. I thought it made sense and started to do it that night.


Despite the lack of hunger, Dustin still ordered tacos at the taco shop. It was very Taiwanese to me, just like any stand in our night market. Put a canopy up there and place some plastic tables and chairs, and the familiar sight of Shawarma.


然後我來到Mango餐廳點了當晚特餐29 pesos的enchiladas,Mango果然是大餐廳,連這麼便宜的特餐都這麼豐盛,還附贈麵包抹奶油,旁邊還有豆泥跟生菜沙拉。

Then I went to order that night's special enchiladas at 29 pesos at Mango restaurant. As expected, Mango restaurant was good. Even a meal that cheap was served with bread and butter and mashed beans and salad on the side.


I wasn't really hungry, so I ate 1/3 of it, leaving the rest for tomorrow's breakfast/ brunch. My money saving plan step 1.



Then Dustin bought a beer at the beerhouse (where only beers are sold) and brought to the beach to write her princess diary.


Later he read me a couple paragraphs from his journal. It was very literary. Only people with abundant emotions can write that stuff.

在海灘聊天看浪一陣後,我們決定去看Bazaar Babylon今晚的reggae live band show。我先回hostal把剩下的晚餐放冰箱,Dustin先去店裡等我,結果被正在玩牌的幾個旅客叫住,全是男的,Chris和BJ來自加州聖地牙哥,Ben跟Mark來自魁北克(難怪他們的法文那麼怪),操著一口英國口音的Andreas竟不是來自英國也不是澳洲,而是遙遠又寒冷的北國挪威!Chris邀我跟他們一起喝shots,問我喜歡tequila還是rum,然後給我一杯rum coke,問我今晚有什麼計畫。我說要去Bazaar Babylon看雷鬼樂團表演,他們說他們也是,問我能否等他們玩完手上這局牌再一起去,好不容易玩完以後Andreas又在等他的漢堡(我還聽成brother ),等著等著結果Dustin都回來了,我們就順便叫Daniel跟我們一起去看表演。

After chatting and watching the waves at the beach, we decided to see the reggae live band show at Bazaar Babylon. I went to put my leftover in the fridge at hostal, and Dustin went ahead to wait for me. Several guys were playing cards at the hostal, and one of them, Chris, asked me to have a shot with them. They asked me if I like tequila or rum and made me a rum coke, asking me what I was up to tonight. Chris and BJ are from San Diego, California. Ben and Mark are from Quebec (no wonder their French is kinda weird). Andreas has a thick British accent, but he's not from the UK or Australia, but the faraway freezing Norway! I told them I was going to see the reggae show at Bazaar Babylon, and they said they were going too and asked me if I could wait until they finished the card game and go with them. But then Andreas had to wait for his burger (which I misheard as brother ), so I waited and waited, and Dustin showed up. So all of us invited Daniel to go see the show with us.



Daniel told me my English was good. Later I learned that he was born in Mexico but went to high school and college in the US. Now all his family is in the US, and he's the only who came back to Mexico.

Chris給我的感覺就是典型美國人,很像我認識的某位David,有機會調情就不放過。(最近一直在看Rules of Engagement,發現他長得頗像David Spade,只是額頭沒那麼高,頭髮是深褐色,身材比較好,畢竟是衝浪男孩。)職業是老師,不過我覺得也可以填混得不賴的混帳。

I felt Chris is a typical American, like one of the Davids I know. A typical American guy never passes any chance of flirting. (Lately I've been watching Rules of Engagement and found that Chris kinda looks like David Spade, excpet that Chris's forehead is not that wide and has dark brown hair and in a better shape, after all he's a surfer.) His profession is teacher, but I think "a happy jerk" would do, too.


BJ and Chris are friends since high school, but their appearances are very different. BJ is a big white guy and looks like a Harley rider. I heard that he runs a website for mobile phone porn.

Ben對我非常有好感,開門見山跟我說我在西方人眼裡很性感,後來發現我喜歡喝啤酒而非調酒時又很高興地說:You're cool, I love you! 還一直直接問我有沒有男友,又間接說「可惜你有男友」來再度確認。職業是律師,但我非常懷疑…

Ben was very into me and told me directly that they found me very sexy. When he learned that I like beers, not mixed drinks, he said, "You're cool, I love you!" And he kept asking if I had a boyfriend and indirectly said "Too bad you have a boyfriend" to confirm that I really didn't have one. His profession is lawyer, but I really doubt that...


Mark just graduated from high school and decided to take some time off to travel. He doesn't use email, facebook, or myspace. He only has one cell phone. A friendly kid.


Andreas is a blond tall thin white dude. He said he had scared many kids during his travels, but he's actually a very friendly and nice person. He even bought us each a mojito, the best I've had in my life. His profession is probably speculator (he said he sells everything). Dustin and I both like him a lot. We were just talking about whether we would run into people who are just friendly without other purposes. Almost every guy who had talked to me was trying to hit on me, but Andreas was a traveler who's willing to share with strangers. Too bad he was staying at Mondala hostal, and we never saw him again.



The music was really great. Andreas, Dustin and I were dancing in the back where there weren't so many people, while others were in the front. It's a pity that we never had a group picture (I wanted to describe each character along with their picture), but fortunately Dustin took this video.



The one in light blue shorts was me.



We danced till we dropped that night.

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