

We woke up pretty early the next morning. In fact, Dustin didn't sleep at all. I finally gather myself and took a shower and felt relieved that the water wasn't trickling, as described by other travelers who had stayed here before.


我們前兩晚都在pochon hostal住的,由於在網路上預約被收了手續費,第二天早上我們就在hostal吃了他們準備的早餐想賺回一點本金。廚房裡有兩名婦女準備早餐,一個負責把水果切塊分裝成一碗一碗,另一個負責做omelette/ pancake,豆子加queso,此外非常水的咖啡、果凍跟麵包都是可以無限續的。這天早上不出所料地便秘了,所以默默決定要盡量吃辣的跟蔬果,希望不要整趟旅行都在便秘中度過,落得跟跑去日本玩結果一直便秘最後一天用力拉屎到中風的台灣大學女生一樣的下場…

We booked the first two nights at pochon hostal. Due to the booking fees charged by some shameless website, we decided to eat the breakfast they provided at the hostal. Two women were preparing in the kitchen, one cutting fruits into small pieces and placing them in a bowl, the other making omelettes/ pancakes, beans with queso. The very watery coffee, jelly, and bread were unlimited. As expected, I constipated that morning. So I decided that today I had to eat something as hot as possible or as many vegetables and fruits as possible, hoping that I wouldn't have to live with constipation during the whole trip, ending up like the Taiwanese college girl who went to Japan and constipated the whole time so tried to make some poop but tried so hard that she had a stroke and was sent to the hospital...


白天的Oaxaca Ciudad跟晚上很不一樣,車水馬龍、人聲喧鬧的,走沒幾步我們就發現一條顏色很鮮艷的小巷,開始瘋狂拍照。

During daytime, Oaxaca Ciudad looked very different from night time. Lots of traffic and all kinds of sounds. We found an alley filled with bright colors and started to take pictures.


Dustin's pretending to be an Asian star again.


然後我們突然發現我的裙子的妙用,就開始瘋狂轉圈圈 (不過我還是比較喜歡我的相機的飽滿色調)。

And then we realized what my skirt could do, so I started to do circles (I prefer the intense hues captured by my camera more though).


At the end of the alley, there were a fountain and lots of purple flowers. On the wall we found something funny written by someone unknown, "I want to write something, but I don't know what to write."


On the way to Zocalo, we saw many roads in construction. Workers had to stand in the deep ditches, under the scorching sun. What was strange was that almost no one wore any shorts. Most people are very conservative and still put on long sleeves or even jackets in such weather.


Dustin wanted but dared not make obscene posture (getting under the woman figurine's skirt) to take a picture because we were still new to town.


Afterwards, I passed by everyday and found that these empty bottles were here everyday.


The kiosk in Zocalo.


We strolled in Zocalo, finding a group of parents holding cameras at their children. It seemed like some costume party in the morning.


This giraffe was extraordinarily joyous and lively. We could see his giraffe head dangling along with his dance from a distance.


這天的行程就是了解市中心,觀察路人,品嚐美食。我們發現一間位置很好的hostal(我們前兩晚住的地方走到廣場要15分鐘),就在菜市場隔壁,而且進去參觀以後發現採光好、充滿開放空間、價格又比我們原本住的便宜10 pesos,當場真希望可以退掉我們住的地方直接搬過來…

Our agenda for today was to know about Zocalo, people watching, and food. We discovered a hostal with excellent location, right next to the market (pochon hostal is about 15 minutes by walk from Zocalo). We went inside and liked the open common areas, the natural lighting, and the price (10 pesos cheaper than pochon each). I wished that we could just move to this hostal right away...

我們打算隔天要去看世界著名的古文化遺跡Monte Albán,所以四處打聽了半日/一日遊的行程。

We planned to visit the world-famous ruin site Monte Albán the next day, so we asked around how much the tours cost and about the transportation.


結果走著走著我還沒消化完早餐,Dustin竟然就嚷著要去吃午餐了…所以我們走進傳統市場,先繞幾圈看各家菜單,順便看那一攤的本地客人最多(因為這樣通常表示味道道地而且價格實惠),最後挑了一家顧客前腳才走座位馬上被補上的店面,坐下來點了Oaxaca最出名的醬料mole料理。Mole是以多種香料製成的醬料,有黑、紅、綠、黃四種,墨西哥人也喜歡把mole加到巧克力裡增添風味。Dustin點了mole negro,我點了mole rojo,配上一塊雞肉跟一些飯(非常好吃的飯,雖然不像我們的米很黏,而是鬆鬆散散的,但似乎煮的時候加了蒜末,香得要命),還有一盤吃也吃不完的tortillas(一盤大概五六片,我們各吃兩片就差不多了,但是墨西哥人可以吃完一盤再續一盤)。

By the time when Dustin said he wanted to have lunch, I was still trying to digest my breakfast. So we went to check out traditional markets. There are two markets, one selling non-cooked food products, and the other mostly food stands. We walked around to see everyone's menu and observed which one had the most local customers (because it usually means that they make good authentic Mexican food at cheaper prices), and we picked a restaurant where vacant seats are quickly filled by the next customers and ordered the well-known mole dish. Mole is a sauce made from many spices. There are four types of mole, mole negro, mole rojo, mole verde, and amarillo. Mexicans also like to put mole into chocolate for flavor. Dustin ordered mole negro, I mole rojo. It came with a piece of chicken and some rice (Very good rice, not as sticky as the rice in Taiwan/ Asia, but rather loose. They seemed to add garlic powder when cooking the rice, so the rice had an appealing flavor.), and a plate of never-ending tortillas (There were about 5 or 6 in one plate. 2 for each of us was about the limit, but Mexicans could finish a plate easily and ask for more).

中間那碗白白像稀飯的是我點的atole,墨西哥人用來配早點的熱飲,其實就是甜甜的燕麥粥,很不錯。這樣一餐只要45 pesos(25/mole,5/atole)。

The bowl of white soup is my atole, the hot drink that goes with breakfast. It's actually sweet oatmeal. I like it a lot. This meal only cost us 45 pesos (25 pesos/ mole and 5 pesos/ atole).


Next to this stand is a chicken stand. Mexican chickens are naturally of yellow skin. It tastes a lot better (chewier) than American chicken.


Inside the market.


A stand outside the market.

吃完以後Dustin跑去隔壁菜市場(以各種非熟食商品為主)買了釋迦口味的冰沙(20 pesos),要價有點過高。我在廣場上買了一杯酸梅口味的挫冰(10 pesos)。

Afterwards, Dustin went to buy some fruit smoothie (20 pesos), kinda expensive. I bought a cup of shaved ice with tamarindo flavor (10 pesos).


Then we roamed the plaza again. We could see women carrying their merchandise walking around and trying to sell stuff everywhere, like the woman in the bottom right.


Dustin wanted to pee, so he ordered a beer at a restaurant by the plaza, and we continued to watch people.


It's a cool way of drinking beers. First you put some chili power on the brink of the glass, and then you pour the beer into the glass, so when you drink your beer, you can taste it cold and spicy.


過一陣子不可思議的事又發生了,Dustin又想吃東西了,所以我們又走進菜市場讓他吃了early dinner: enchiladas(35 pesos)。

After just a while, something incredible happened again... Dustin wanted to eat again! So we went to the market, and he had an early dinner: enchiladas (35 pesos).


Then we went back to the plaza to chill out and watched people. There were lots of shoe-shiners and thier special chairs, women and children selling all kinds of souvenirs. Overall, most Mexicans are still very poor, so as soon as a child can walk, they should go out and help earn some money for their family. The little girl was playing water by the fountain with her brother during her break.


Suddenly we heard music and commotion, and then found out that people were having a parade with different groups in representative costumes.



When the parade was gradually leaving, a girl in traditional clothes showed me a small cup and invited me to drink. I thought she wanted to sell me something, so I waved my hands and looked at Dustin. But he told me to drink it. It surprised me, for I thought that was some holy water, like the one we have in temples, but it was actually mezcal! Seeing me choked and surprised, the little girl smiled.



After the parade was gone.



The church at sunset.

然後輪到我肚子餓了,就走回菜市場選了一家店吃quesadillas(15 pesos),一端上來時我都呆了,只是一片對折的tortillas夾了一些乾巴巴的牛肉,賣相差到我連拍照都懶得拍了…不過吃起來還可以,不難吃。

And then it was my turn to hunt for food. So we walked back to the market to order enchiladas at another stand (15 pesos). I was shocked when I saw my enchiladas because it was just a folded dry tortillas filled with some dry beef strips. It looked so ugly that I didn't want to take a picture of it... It tasted ok. At least I filled my stomache.



After dinner, my dessert stomach started to make sounds, begging for some treats, so I bought three little pastries at a streetstand. Two of them were filled with custard that was nothing close to custard at all... it was almost custard jelly! The white thing like whipped cream was ok. And the pastry itself was dry and hard and not crispy or soft at all. I ate every morsel with regrets. Dustin said Mexican food is definitely one of the best in the world, but Mexicans' pastry is shit! Based on my personal experience, I could only say "That is so true!"


After that, we bought drinking water at a small supermarket where many locals shopp, and Dustin purchased lots of alcohol, of course. We walked back to our remote hostal, and that was the end of our relaxing day.

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