自從兩個多禮拜看了[V for Vendetta]以後,就一直很想試試看V怪客做給Natalie Portman的早餐~今天終於心血來潮google一下,發現原來這個早餐引發廣大影迷+烹飪迷的討論,以下是兩份不錯的參考食譜:

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* Due to overwhelming amount of wrap-up work to do and finals to prepare and anxiety and pressure to deal with, it took me more than two weeks to finish this day, very atypical of me.


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今天起床以後滿心歡喜地打開冰箱,結果錯愕地發現昨天預留給自己的早餐整盒不見了! 然後短暫的錯愕馬上變成憤怒,很想知道到底是哪個無恥的混帳吃了我的早餐,壞了我的省錢大作戰?  我甚至在公共用地的垃圾桶尋找保麗龍餐盒的屍體,還跑去櫃台問Daniel有沒看到誰吃掉一盒enchiladas…不過兇嫌至今依然下落不明。

After getting up, I happily opened the fridge but unexpectedly found that my leftover was gone! And then my shockedness was soon replaced by anger. I really wanted to find out which shameless bastard stole my food and ruined my money-saving plan. I even checked trash cans in common area and looked for the styrofoam box's corpse and asked Daniel at the front desk if he had seen anyone eating a box of enchiladas... However, the truth remains undisclosed until today.

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今天早上又被便意叫醒。早餐突然很想吃鬆餅,所以跑去Mango餐廳點了早餐特餐,35 pesos包兩塊鬆餅(旁邊還加了非常好吃新鮮的木瓜)、咖啡、柳橙汁。

This morning I was awakened by my soon-to-be-flushed baby again. Suddenly I had a craving for pancake, so I ordered the special desayuno at Mango restaurant, 35 pesos for two pancakes (with fresh and delicious papaya on the side), coffee, and orange juice.

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After getting up, we were still psyched about what we had experienced last night. I didn't get a good sleep because I was bugged by mosquitos, and I woke up before I had enough sleep because I needed to poop (how weird). During our stay in Zicatela, I pooped watery stuff everyday and was awakened by my poop every morning. It was something that I'd never dreamed of after decades of constipation life (well, the situation is better in the US than in Taiwan), so I couldn't help but think that Mexico was, as expected, my second home.

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We both didn't get up until pretty late, around 10 (so you know we had been early risers). Had not Dustin got up, I would have kept sleeping. But had not he wet his pants, he probably would have kept sleeping and dreaming too... That's right. Before waking up, Dustin was dreaming about finding bathrooms all the time, and he finally found one, and that was when he felt the warm liquid trickling between his thighs. So he got up and rushed to the toilet. I was so glad we had two beds...

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Waking up in our luxurious blue cell in this purple palace, I was very glad that we were going to check out soon, because the situation of the toilet was driving me crazy... Before going to bed last night, I went to pee in girl's room but found the flush didn't work (It's a common problem in Mexico where the infrastructure is still behind. It's often to see toilets without seats, a big test for your thigh muscle strength, and problems with the flush, so the sight of a toilet full of shit and urine is natural if users don't have any conscience.), and there were several pieces of shit in the toilet, so I went to use the guy's toilet. This morning when I wanted to deflate my bladder, I found more pieces of shit in lady's toilet...

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**many newly-uploaded videos from the second day

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